
2018 FIAF Directory

The new FIAF Directory is out! FIAF affiliates receive several complimentary copies, and anyone else can order the Directory on the FIAF website (15€ plus postage). Logged-in members of the FIAF community can access a PDF version of the Directory HERE.

The FIAF Directory is published every two years. It provides contact information for all FIAF-affiliated institutions – Members and Associates – listed in alphabetical order of the cities in which they are located. The total number of Affiliates as of 1st of January 2018 was 165 (89 Members and 76 Associates, in 75 countries).

The FIAF Directory also includes contact information for FIAF Honorary Members, the FIAF Executive Committee, the FIAF Specialized Commissions, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Film Preservation, the regional groupings, partner organizations  and the FIAF Secretariat in Brussels. Finally, the Directory lists the companies and organizations which have joined the FIAF Supporters programme.