FIAF Secretariat
The FIAF Secretariat's team in November 2024.
The Secretariat hosts the administrative staff of the Federation, led by the Senior Administrator, as well as the two members of staff working on FIAF’s Periodicals Indexing Project (P.I.P.). Initially located in Paris and hosted by the Cinémathèque française from 1947 to 1960, the FIAF Secretariat moved to Brussels in 1968 and was for a time hosted by the Cinémathèque royale de Belgique. It is currently located at Place Loix 7 / 26, 1060 Brussels.
The Senior Administrator is appointed by the Executive Committee and is responsible to it. Under the supervision of the Secretary-General, he acts in the capacity of (a) permanent and responsible manager of the day-to-day administration and financial management of the Federation; (b) chief of the administrative personnel of the Secretariat and other employees of the Federation; (c) permanent legal representative of the Federation in the country of residence of the Secretariat.
Historical information about Executive Secretaries/Senior Administrators and FIAF Secretatiat locations can be found HERE.
FIAF contacts
Christophe Dupin
Senior Administrator
Elsa Degerman
Accounting and HR Assistant
Christine Maes
Administrative Assistant
Clare Healy
Editorial Assistant
Periodicals Indexing Project (P.I.P.):
Rutger Penne
P.I.P. Editor
Nicola Mantzaris
P.I.P. Associate Editor
Tel: 32 (0)2 538 30 65
FIAF Training & Outreach Programme:
Lisabona Rahman
Training and Outreach Coordinator
Journal of Film Preservation:
Christophe Dupin
Executive Publisher
Oliver Hanley
Lara Denil
Layout & Design