
FIAF Members

As of April 2024, FIAF has 96 active (i.e., not suspended) Members. The full list of FIAF Members, sorted by city (English names), can be found below.

As stipulated by Article 4 of the FIAF Statutes and Rules, "Members shall be institutions with legitimate and primary responsibility for the preservation of an original moving image collection, which have resources to undertake this responsibility and will sign the FIAF Code of Ethics as a statement by which they agree to be bound. Members are also encouraged to organise the projection and the viewing of films, using copies specially made for this purpose, to provide facilities for the consultation of documentation, to collect and exhibit cinema artefacts, to publish film literature, and, in general, to develop a full range of non-profit-making activities related to the promotion and diffusion of film culture, from a historical, educational, and artistic perspective."

Fundacion Cinemateca Argentina

Buenos Aires

Vietnam Film Institute


Cinemateca de Cuba


Joson Minjujui Inmingonghwaguk Kugga Yonghwa Munhongo / National Film Archive of DPRK


National Film Archive of Iran


Vatican City