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FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop, May 2023
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SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage
FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat
WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND
c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND
cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND
l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND
( p.nEstUnForthcomingEvent ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'Forthcoming-Events' ) AND
p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-25 12:45:14' AND p.dDateFinEvent >= '2025-03-25 12:45:14' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-25 12:45:14' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
ORDER BY p.dDateDebutEvent ASC LIMIT 4
27 March 2025
FIAF's Thursday Workshop, ONLINE
SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage
FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat
WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND
c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND
cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND
l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND
( p.nEstUneNews ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'News' ) AND
p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-25 12:45:14' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-25 12:45:14' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
FIAF Commissions' Thursday Workshops (2025): 3rd Workshop
Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.