Resources of the Cataloguing and Documentation Commission (CDC)
Introduction to the FIAF CDC Resources
Here you will find documents which have been reviewed, verified or created by the FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission over the years, which may be useful or interesting to the FIAF community. The links are sorted by category: cataloguing resources, documentation resources, preservation resources, and additional resources.
Cataloguing Resources
- FIAF Cataloguing Rules (1991, PDF)
- The FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual (2016, PDF)
- Manual FIAF de Catalogación de Imágenes en Movimiento (in Spanish, 2022, PDF)
- Manuel de catalogage des images animées de la FIAF (in French, 2022, PDF)
- Das FIAF-Handbuch für die Katalogisierung von Filmwerken (in German, 2022, PDF)
- FIAF-ov priruCnik za katalogizaciju pokretnih slika (in Croatian, 2022, PDF)
- Glossary of Filmographic Terms (search engine and full html document)
- Report of the Linked Open Data for Filmarchives Workshop (Berlin, 2019)
- Slideshow of Mats Skarstrand's Linked Open Data presentation, CDC Workshop at the 2019 FIAF Congress in Lausanne
- "Cataloguing Practises in the Age of Linked Open Data: Wikidata and Wikibase for Film Archives", a paper by Adelheid Heftberger and Paul Duchesne for the CDC (June 2020)
- "Digital formats for film-related objects in archives", by Mats Skärstrand, Swedish Film Institute, for the CDC (February 2022)
- Mapping of CEN 15907 to library standards (RDA, ISBD, FIAF-MICM, MARC) by Circe Sanchez for the FIAF CDC (view-only link, January 2023)
- Slideshow of Maria Assunta Pimpinelli's presentation 'From the Revision of the FIAF Cataloguing Rules (2005-2012) to the Cataloguing Manual (2016)', CDC Workshop held at Bundesarchiv, Berlin, 20 September 2023
- Decolonizing Film Catalogues: Recommendations and best practises by the FIAF CDC on the representation of Ukrainian film titles and cast/credits produced during the Soviet Union, December 2023
- Best practices for the cataloguing of film related materials (FIAF GitHub, May 2024)
Documentation Resources
- Treasures from the Film Archives Database (access restricted to logged-in members of the FIAF Community)
Additional Resources
- The Collection Management System spreadsheet, developed by Ashley Blewer (community-based selection and assessment of collection management systems that support film collections) [Google Doc]
- "Archive Title: Unidentified" - Screening and Identifying Unidentified Material from the Bundesarchiv's Collection (Berlin, 16 November 2019)
- FAQ: Collection Management Systems, by Elżbieta Wysocka (September 2022)
CDC's Thursday Workshops
- Slides of the Thursday Online Workshop on METS/PREMIS (Rebecca Rochat, Robin François, and Maryline Monnerat - Cinémathèque suisse), 19 October 2023
- Slides of the Thursday Online Workshop on "CEN 15907 in practice: Using the Variant in the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC)", by Katerina Kampoli (Film Cataloger, CNC), and Tristan Gomez (Database Administrator, CNC), 7 March 2024
- Video recording and slides of the Thursday Online Workshop on "Introducción a los metadatos para la descripción central de recursos de imágenes en movimiento: aplicaciones según FRBR, RDA, EN15907", (Circe Itzel Sánchez González, miembro de la CDC, UNAM, Ciudad de México), 23 May 2024
- Video presentation from the Thursday Online Workshop on “No database required: Storing and accessing metadata in a common/generic way” (Peter Bubestinger, AV-RD), 17 October 2024
- Video recording of the Workshop/Discussion on “Green Archiving - Eco-Friendly Practices in Use in the Film Archives” (Reto Kromer, Clément Lafite, Valentina Rossetto, Caroline Figueroa Fuentes), 14 November 2024
- Notes about the Thursday Online Workshop “Contributing to the FIAF Treasures from the Film Archives”, 27 February 2025
Other Training Events Organized by or Involving the CDC
- Metadata Management in Film Archives Workshop (Postdam, 29-30 March 2017)
- Cataloguing Masterclass: Cataloguing Newsreels and Cinemagazines (online, 27-28 April 2021)
- Summer School "Digital Archives" 2021 (Potsdam and online, 6-10 September 2021)
- Summer School "Digital Archives" 2022 (Potsdam/Berlin, 5-9 September 2022)
- Periodicals Indexing Project's 50th Anniversary Symposium: “Film Databases and Resources in the Digital Era” (Copenhagen, 23 September 2022)
- FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop on Cataloguing Film-Related Materials (Stockholm, 25-26 May 2023)
- Summer School "Digital Archives" 2024 (Potsdam/Berlin, 23-27 September 2024)