
Film Identification Workshops

Registration Form for the Workshop in English

8 November 2022, 5-8pm (CET), online

(for the equivalent workshop in French or Spanish, please click on the flags below)

Please use the form below to register for the Film Identification Workshops this autumn. No fee will be charged, but places will be limited, for reasons of participant comfort and interactivity between participants and speaker. Should there be more applicants and places available, a selection will have to be made by the organizers on the basis of the information contained in the form, so please fill it in as rigorously as possible. Note that submitting this completed form does not guarantee your participation in these workshops.

The deadline for submitting the online form is 18 October. Selected candidates will be notified by email by November 1. You are invited to submit photographs of films that you find problematic (maximum 2 photos).


Camille Blot-Wellens

Editor of the 2020 edition of Physical Characteristics of Early Films as Aids to Identification

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(Currently 300  words up to the limit)

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Click here to add the photo

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SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUnForthcomingEvent ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'Forthcoming-Events' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-28 11:10:37' AND p.dDateFinEvent >= '2025-03-28 11:10:37' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-28 11:10:37' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDateDebutEvent ASC LIMIT 4
SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUneNews ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'News' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-28 11:10:37' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-28 11:10:37' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDate DESC LIMIT 4
FIAF Commissions' Thursday Workshops (2025): 3rd Workshop

Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.

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