Box Title
FIAF Projects [1947-1987] / Fund Jan de Vaal
Box ID
Box Description
Documents and correspondence from the personal archives of Jan de Vaal between 1947 and 1987.
Description Boîte (Fr)
Documents et correspondance provenant des archives personnelles de Jan de Vaal entre 1947 et 1987.
Folder Title
Miscellaneous [1959]
Folder ID
English, French
Years covered
1958 - 1959
Level of description
Source referencing
The source of all documents included in this folder should be referenced as follows:
FIAF Historical Archive, JDV/003-04
Folder Description
-Accounting for the first trimester of 1959;
-Provisional budget for 1959;
-Report of the Executive Secretary on the activities of the Executive Secretariat of FIAF from 28 January to 15 May 1959.
Description Dossier (Fr)
-Correspondance ;
-Comptabilité du premier trimestre de 1959 ;
-Budget prévisionnel pour 1959 ;
-Rapport du Secrétaire exécutif sur les activités du Secrétariat exécutif de la FIAF du 28 janvier au 15 mai 1959.
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SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUnForthcomingEvent ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'Forthcoming-Events' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-31 04:40:06' AND p.dDateFinEvent >= '2025-03-31 04:40:06' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-31 04:40:06' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDateDebutEvent ASC LIMIT 4
SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUneNews ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'News' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-31 04:40:06' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-31 04:40:06' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDate DESC LIMIT 4
FIAF Commissions' Thursday Workshops (2025): 3rd Workshop

Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.

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