Latin American Film Archives and FIAF
Soon after their formation (and their subsequent affiliation to FIAF) in the early 1950s, the first Latin American film archives realized the importance of establoshing a regional group to represent their shared interests within the global FIAF network. The first incarnation of such a group was the Latin American section of FIAF (Sección latinoamericana de la FIAF) in the latter half of the 1950s. In 1965, a new, wider group of Latin American film archives, UCAL (Unión de Cinematecas de América Latina) was formed. It was succeeded in the mid-1980s by a new association, CLAIM (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Archivos de Imagen en Movimiento). Threse successive regional groups have always maitained a close, if at times conflictual, relationship with our Federation. We have decided to make available on this page a number of key historical documents on this topic preserved in the FIAF Historical Archive in Brussels. They are listed in chronological order.
Sección latinoamericana de la FIAF (1955-59)
Statuts de la Section latinoaméricaine de la FIAF - March 1955 [French] (Statutes)
Letter from Eugenio Hintz asking the EC to look at the Rules and Regulations of the Latin American Section (11 August 1955)
Letter addressed to E. Hintz about the Latin American Section's representative issues (21 October 1955)
Letter addressed to E. Hintz about a FIAF Bulletin project on the Latin American Section (7 November 1955)
Letter explaining the financial situtation of the Latin American Archives (28 January 1956)
Letter from Henri Langlois to E. Hintz about the subscriptions of Latin American Archives (3 February 1956)
Letter from Henri Langlois stating his opinion on the "Bureau Inter Amérique Latine" (14 February 1956)
Section latinoaméricaine de la FIAF - Congrès de Sao Paulo du 22 au 27 février 1956 [French] - (Report) You can find the Spanish version HERE.
Letter containing the EC decisions concerning the subscription of Latin American Archives (26 June 1956)
Letter from E. Hintz containing the budget for the Latin American Section (13 July 1956)
Informe de la Sección latinoamericana - Congreso de FIAF 1957 [Spanish, French] (Report)
Letter about subscriptions issues in the Latin American Section (23 January 1959)
III Congreso de Cinematecas latinoamericanas - Argentina, March 1959 [Spanish] (Report)
Letter related to the Latin American Section's subscription payments (7 April 1959)
Transition period (1960-1964)
UCAL (1965-1985)
No Document found between 1966 and 1972.
"Proposition cubaine" (March 1973) [English] (Proposal)
Rapport de l'UCAL à la FIAF (30 January 1974) [French] (Report)
Compte-rendu à la FIAF du VIIe Congrès de l'UCAL (5-11 September 1974 [French] (Minutes)
List of arrested Chilean filmakers and actors (February 1975) [Call for international mobilisation]
Report from UCAL at the FIAF Varna Congress (1977) [handwritten, English] (Report)
Primerio Seminario Latinoamericano de Archivos de Imagenes en Movimiento (4-15 February 1980) [Spanish] (Report)
"La Experiencia de una Cinemateca Regional. El caso de la cinemateca "Luis Buñuel" en la ciudad de Puebla" - Fernando Osorio [Spanish] (Article written for the First Seminar of Latin-American Archives in 1980)
Report of the Cinemateca Boliviana (31 December 1981) - [Spanish]
Lista de participantes - Secundo Seminario Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Archivos de Imagenes en Movimiento - [Spanish] (List of participants)
"Forgotten cinema of Bolivia" - Carlos D. Mesa G. [English] (Paper written for the Second Seminar of Latin-American Archives in 1982)
Anteproyecto estructura organica y funcional de la Cinemateca Universitaria "Enrique Torres" - April, 1982 [Spanish](Draft project)
Informe de actividades de la Cinemateca de Nicaragua (INCINE) (June 1982) [Spanish] (Report)
Informe de Panama (May-June 1982) [Spanish] (Report)
Programa - III Encontro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Arquivos de Imagens en Movimento [Portuguese] (Film programmes from several institutions)
Propostas para inventariamento catalogação e indexação do acervo cinematográfico brasileiro (1984) [Portuguese] (Proposal made during the Third Meeting of the Latin-American and Caribbean Archives in 1984)
III Encontro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Arquivos de Imagens en Movimento : Exemplo de Catalogo de Difusao (1984) [Portuguese] (Example of a distribution catalogue)
Minutes of UCAL meeting in Montevideo (24 november 1984) [Spanish] (Minutes)
Declaracion (México, 22-25 April 1985) [Spanish]
Summary of the first six UCAL congresses [Spanish] (Report)
Latin-American and Caribbean Archives
Relacion des cinematecas latinomaricana y caribeñas (December 1987) [Spanish] (List of Latin-American and Caribbean Archives)
Arquivos de filmes na America Latina (1988) [Spanish] (List of Film Archives in Latin America)
"Las Cinematecas, el mercado y las nuevas tecnologias" (24 November 1989) [Spanish] (Proposal)
Proyecto "Preservación memoria cinematográfica" (1989) [Spanish] (Notes)
Programme de régionalisation pour le développement des archives du cinéma et de l'audio-visuel - Ch. Dimitriu (1989) [French] (Report to UNESCO)
UNESCO Document signed by the Latin American Archives (1989)
Proyecto "Centro(s) Regional(es) de Restauracion y Conservacion de Cines Latinoamericanos y Caribenos" (1989) [Questions & Answers]
Situación Actual de la Preservación des Peliculas en America Latina (April 1990) [Spanish] (Report)