
IU Libraries/ Noel Photos

Programming (Online) Film Heritage:

The FIAF Programming Game Form

If you are interested in contributing to this collective programming game, please fill in and submit the form below. Do add a short introduction explaining your programming choices if you can (it doesn't have to be in English), as well as the title, date (if known), running time and exact URL of each film in your programme, and the institution it comes from. Note that if you are a registered member of the FIAF community and you are logged in, your personal details will already be filled in. Also note that you will be still able to modify or remove your programme even after you have submitted it (you will receive a unique URL by email allowing you to access your form).

The only rules of this game are as follows:

  • The total length of the programme must not exceed 90 mins, unless it includes a feature-length film, as the purpose of this exercise is to encourage creative programming within a limited timeframe rather than endless playlists;
  • Please do not include more than one film from any one FIAF affiliate.

Once you have submitted your programme, it will appear at the top of the FIAF Programming Game page.

(This is only to send you an automatic confirmation that your programme has been received and validated, or if we have to contact you about it. It will not appear on the FIAF website and we will not use it in any other way).

1500 words maximum: 1500 to the limit

To add a film to your programme, click on [Add a title] and enter the required information. Once you have added your films to the programme, you can modify or delete them, or move them within the programme. To remove a film, click on the [X] at the top right of each contact box. You can also reorder individual films by dragging their box above or below the other films of your selection.

[ add a title ]

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SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUnForthcomingEvent ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'Forthcoming-Events' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-04-01 01:18:45' AND p.dDateFinEvent >= '2025-04-01 01:18:45' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-04-01 01:18:45' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDateDebutEvent ASC LIMIT 4
SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUneNews ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'News' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-04-01 01:18:45' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-04-01 01:18:45' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDate DESC LIMIT 4
FIAF Commissions' Thursday Workshops (2025): 3rd Workshop

Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.

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