FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop
"So Much More Than Non-Film: Cataloguing Film-Related Materials"
25-26 May 2023
Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm
Registrations are now closed.
Slideshows of the presentations given as part of this workshop are accessible here.
Presentation of the course
Photos, posters, press clippings, 3D objects, sheet music and many other materials are collected, catalogued, digitised and made accessible in and by film archives. These diverse documents are commonly grouped under the term “film-related materials”. However, each of these types of materials requires a completely different approach in terms of collection, digitization, and also cataloguing, and most of all, requires specialized and trained archivists. In addition, these departments within the film institutions are usually staffed with fewer people than the film departments.
With this workshop, the CDC would like to offer a place and framework in which precisely the specific issues of film-related materials can be discussed openly and experiences exchanged. In doing so, we will primarily focus on cataloguing. Input lectures will present both projects from film heritage institutions and new technical developments. In an interactive session, we then want to take an in-depth look at value lists and, in turn, incorporate the results into the CDC's resources so that they can be shared publicly.
The classes (a mixture of lectures, workshops and round-table discussions) will be taught by experts from the global network of FIAF archives, and other distinguished professionals in a relevant field. All classes will be conducted in English only.
Day 1: Lectures
9.15: Welcome coffee/arrival of participants
9.45: Welcome by Swedish Film Institute (Mats Skärstrand and Per Perstrand) and FIAF CDC
Morning session (chair: Anna Fiaccarini - Cineteca di Bologna)
10.10-10.30: Jan Holmberg, Helene Dahl (Ingmar Bergman Archive): Bergman, Reluctant Archivist
10.40-11.00: Helena Ekholm, Krister Collin, Sonny Mattsson (Swedish Film Institute): Taking It All the Way: From Preservation to Publishing
11.10-11.30: Leon van Wissen (University of Amsterdam): Beyond the Frame: Building a Virtual Poster Wall with Linked Open Data
11.40 to 13.00: Lunch Break
Afternoon session (chair: Adelheid Heftberger - Bundesarchiv)
13.00-13.20: Daniela Tamm (Bundesarchiv): German Censorship Records Online at the Bundesarchiv
13.30-13.50: Torbjorn Pedersen (National Library of Norway): Finding a Unified Data-Model for Film and Film-Related Material
14.00-14.20: Ladislav Cubr (Národní filmový archiv, Prague): Metadata Specification for NFA’s New Cataloguing System
14.30: Coffee break
15.00-15.20: Eva Hielscher (DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum): DFF’s Music Archive: Approaches and Challenges
15.30-15.50: Wendy Russell (British Film Institute): The Materiality of an Archival Object: A reading of Penny Eyles’ continuity script for Kes
16.00-16.20: Sven Lepa (Estonian National Archives): AI at the Archives: Pilot Projects of the Estonian National Archives
Closing Discussion: 20min
End of Day 1: ca. 17.00
Day 2: Workshops
9.30: Welcome coffee/arrival of participants
10.00-12.00: Split up in three working groups
12.00-13.00: Presentation of group work and closing discussion
13.00 End of Workshop
Registrations are now closed. Successful candidates were notified by email by 20 April. The course is offered free of charge, and five scholarships were available for those who need financial support.
Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.
For more information, please email
The workshop is organised by Adelheid Heftberger (Bundesarchiv, head of the CDC), Mats Skärstrand (Swedish Film Institute, CDC member), Anna Fiaccarini (Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, CDC member), Siobhan Piekarek (independent, CDC member), and Christophe Dupin (FIAF), with the support of the FIAF Secretariat.
27 March 2025
FIAF's Thursday Workshop, ONLINE
Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.