
Participants and speakers of the 2019 FIAF/Cinémathèque Programming Winter School. © FIAF

5th FIAF/Cinémathèque française
Programming Winter School

2-3 March 2020, Cinémathèque française, Paris

The full programme is now available in ENGLISH and in FRENCH.

The registration form can be downloaded HERE (applications close on 7 February or when the course is full).

Presentation of the course

For the fifth year in a row, FIAF and the Cinémathèque française will join forces in the spring of 2020 to offer a short training course aimed primarily at professionals in FIAF archives and beyond. The theme of this specialized course is “Programming Film Heritage”, and will once again be taught by experienced professionals from our sector, most of them programmers in film archives affiliated to FIAF. The course will take place at the Cinémathèque française on Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 March 2020 (two full days), just before the start of the 2020 edition of "Toute la mémoire du monde", the international festival of restored film hosted by the Cinémathèque française.

Following the success of the first four Winter Schools, the positive feedback of the students, and their thematic suggestions for further lectures and workshops, the organizers thought that there was still a lot to discuss and learn about the topic of programming film heritage, and that a fifth course could introduce topics not or little covered before, explore further those already covered in the last four years, and ask distinguished programmers to share their experience with our participants.


The classes will be taught by programming experts from the global network of FIAF archives and other distinguised programmers of film heritage. The full programme is now available in ENGLISH and in FRENCH (PDF files).

Registration & Fee

The registration fee will remain unchanged from last year, i.e. 140€ (169.40€ inc. VAT) for employees of FIAF-affiliated institutions and registered students, and 180€ (217.80€ inc. VAT) for all others. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, but a number of places will be reserved for employees of FIAF archives. Note that this fee includes:

  • Lunch on both days of the Winter School, and refreshments throughout the training,
  • Free access to the "Tout la mémoire du monde" festival screenings (except a few special screenings) on the premises of the Cinémathèque française from 4-8 March 2020 (subject to availability).

Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. A list of hotels and restaurants situated in the area of the Cinémathèque française is avaialable HERE.

Registrations will close on 7 February (or when all places have been allocated).

Previous Winter Schools

You can find information about previous FIAF/Cinémathèque Programming Winter Schools on this page.


For more information, please contact Christophe Dupin, c.dupin@fiafnet.org, and Iris Deniozou Deniozou Iris i.deniozou@cinematheque.fr.