15 June 1964: Admitted as Provisional Member (Minutes GM Moscow, 06/1964, p.18).
21 May 1969 : Admitted as Full Member by the GM (Minutes GM New-York, 05/1969, p.20).
25 November 1986: Reconfirmed as Member by the EC (Minutes EC Glasgow, 11/1986, p.4).
12 April 1991: Reconfirmed as a Member (Minutes EC Athens, 04/1991, p.10).
23 November 1996: Reconfirmed as Member by the EC (Minutes EC Madrid, 11/1996, p.8).
Address unchanged as of February 2020 (source: 2020 FIAF Directory).
Name unchanged as of February 2020 (source: 2020 FIAF Directory).
11 October 2023: Email received from the NFAI asking for a change of name to NFDC - NATIONAL FILM ARCHIVE OF INDIA following the administrative restructuring of the institution.
Registrations are now closed for the next Thursday Workshop on "Contributing to the FIAF Directory of Special Collections" and "Collecting born-digital film related materials - an initiative by the BFI", to take place online on 27 March.