
Session 8: The Community of Film Archives, and Conclusing Remarks

Lausanne, 9 April 2019

The digital transition has transformed every aspect of archive activity, but it has surely upset how we access films the most. Catalogues become visible as platforms, allowing for a new circulation of data. This unprecedented visibility may provide film libraries a more central position in the cultural landscape, but in return it requires a deep rethinking of the relationship between archives and rights holders.

Moderator: Jon Wengström (Head of Archival Film Collections, Svenska Filminstitutet)

A Worldwide Museological Platform to Preserve, Promote and Permanently Question the Film History: How Can This Platform Stand?

José Manuel Costa; Director, Cinemateca Portuguesa

The Transparent Vault – Building a Central Online Catalogue of Holdings of German Cinema

David Kleingers; Co-director of strategic development, Deutsches Filminstitut (Germany)

David Kleingers' slide show

The Chaplin Project

Cecilia Cenciarelli; Head of Research and Special Projects, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna (Italy)

Can The Future of Film be Free (Both as in Beer and as in Speech) ?

Matěj Strnad; Head of Curators, Národní filmový archiv (Czech Republic)

Concluding Remarks

Maria Tortajada, Professor, Université de Lausanne




Photos : © Mikko Kuutti