
Film:ReStored_05: A European Affair

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Request for Program Proposals for the fifth edition of the film heritage festival Film:ReStored in Berlin, October 27 – November 1, 2020

Note that the official submission deadline has been extended to May 15, 2020.

The festival “Film:ReStored” has been dedicated to film heritage in the digital age since 2015. Digital restorations make their premieres at the festival; filmmakers, restorers and conservators share information about practical aspects of digital film processing; and specialists and experts discuss political and aesthetic questions, which play a role in the realm of digitization efforts.

Although “Film:ReStored” has mainly dealt with German film heritage and domestic digitization programs until now, and has expanded the national perspective through its international guests, the fifth edition has a decidedly European orientation. Preservation, restoration and access to film heritage are international concerns, in which archives have long been cooperating with one another in a variety of ways. Now it is a matter of developing a sustainable pan-European perspective on film heritage in the digital age.

To be able to illustrate the diversity of the prerequisites and approaches to solutions in European archives and film heritage institutions, we request proposals for lectures, workshop reports and film programs from as many EU member states who are committed to this European idea as possible. Speakers’ contributions will ideally refer to specific film examples that are shown in the festival program.

Possible Topics

The history of European co-productions before and after 1945

The preservation and legacy of European co-productions in the archives

Questions pertaining to archiving European films produced in Europe

Exchange projects between the archives of the ACE and FIAF (material, knowledge, data)

Current restoration projects involving several European archives

A cinematographic infrastructure on a European scale

Political steps: reality and desiderations for a European film heritage policy



Proposals for scholarly lectures, progress reports, and restoration examples can be submitted, as well as ideas for panel discussions (with selected topics and guests) in connection with recommendations for film screenings.

Proposals and suggestions in German or English can be submitted by email until May 15: filmrestored@deutsche-kinemathek.de.

Decisions will be made by July 1st. The program will be published in early September. Travel costs (and fees) will be reimbursed for lecturers participating in “Film:ReStored_05”.


General Information

“Film:ReStored_05” takes place from October 27 – November 1, 2020 at the Filmhaus in Berlin.

The sessions are held in German and English, and are translated into both languages. Some 20 films will be shown in the original language version with English or German subtitles.

See also https://www.deutsche-kinemathek.de/en/visit/festivals-symposiums/filmrestored05

“Film:ReStored” is an event of the Deutsche Kinemathek, organized for the Kinematheksverbund (Association of German Cinematheques). It is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and supported by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst.