
2024 FIAF Congress Registration Form

Please read the information below carefully before filling in the form.

Please only use the form below to submit your registration to attend the 2024 FIAF Congress in Bangkok in person. You will then receive an automatic confirmation email. If you must pay for your registration, you will be contacted by the hosts, and your registration will only be confirmed once your payment has been received. Note that information about how to registerfor online participation in the various Congress sessions will be provided at a later date.

Note that if you are one of the official delegates of a FIAF Member or Associate, you must absolutely be logged in to the FIAF website before you start filling in the form, or you will not be able to register as a delegate of a FIAF Member or Associate. If you are not personally registered to access the member area of the FIAF website yet, click HERE to do so and follow the simple procedure.

If you have a question about the the Christian Dimitriu Fund, the General Assembly, Second Century Forum, or Commissions' workshops scheduled as part the 2024 Congress, please contact info@fiafnet.org. For any other aspect of the 2024 Congress, including your trip to, and stay in, Bangkok, please write to fiaf2024@fapot.or.th. Note that the 2024 Congress website can be accessed HERE.

Please upload a photo of yourself (if possible in a square format). It will be included in your Congress badge. Allowed files extensions: png, jpg, jpeg, gif. Maximum size 1MB.

Click here to add the photo

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SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUnForthcomingEvent ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'Forthcoming-Events' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-14 09:44:52' AND p.dDateFinEvent >= '2025-03-14 09:44:52' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-14 09:44:52' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDateDebutEvent ASC LIMIT 4
SELECT p.*, c.sTitre, c.sDescription, c.sIntro, c.sIntro2, c.sIntro3, c.nIntroLien, c.nIntro2Lien, c.nIntro3Lien, c.sIntroLien, c.sIntro2Lien, c.sIntro3Lien, c.sContenu, cat.sCategorie, p.sPage FROM t_page as p, t_contenu as c, tref_langue as l, tref_categorie as cat WHERE p.nIdPage = c.nIdPage AND c.nIdLangue = l.nIdLangue AND cat.nIdCategorie = p.nIdCategorie AND l.sCodeLangue = 'en' AND p.nStatut = '1' AND ( p.nEstUneNews ='1' OR cat.sCategorie = 'News' ) AND p.dDateDebut < '2025-03-14 09:44:52' AND (p.dDateFin >= '2025-03-14 09:44:52' OR p.dDateFin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ORDER BY p.dDate DESC LIMIT 4
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